Unraveling the Dance of El Niño in the Arctic

El Niño’s reach extends to the Arctic Ocean, triggering a rise in sea surface temperatures which lead to Arctic ocean warming. This seemingly subtle change enacts profound consequences. As the ice in the Arctic Ocean melts at an accelerated pace, it alters the balance of this sensitive ecosystem, impacting polar bears, seals, and countless other species. This shrinking ice cover also contributes to rising sea levels, impacting coastlines worldwide.

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Court Upholds Suspending Oil & Gas Leases in Arctic Refuge, Dismisses Claims from AIDEA 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  August 8, 2023  Contact: Aileo Weinmann | aileo@alaskawild.org    Court Upholds Suspending Oil & Gas Leases in Arctic Refuge, Dismisses Claims from AIDEA “We celebrate the court’s decision because it confirms the right of President Biden and the Department of the Interior to correct the Trump administration’s mistakes, restoring thoughtful decision-making that honors the…

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